Wise Cooking And Junk

Wise cooking is not just watching your sodium and fat.  It is reading every label and making sure you know what is going in your system.  Some labels can be misleading or very confusing.  Certain products claim to be trans fat free when they clearly have hydrogenated oils in the ingredient list (which is a transfat).  Under 0.5 per serving is legally allowed to be called free.  Sick I know.

But smart shopping or "wise cooking" if you will is not hard at all.  It is deciding what to scintillate your taste buds with for your daily meals and or snacks.  There are so many studies on what is healthy and what is not it is hard to know what is the right thing to do.

One Study of about 50 people said 2 or three eggs a day were not bad and did not raise cholesterol.  So 2/3 of the country can eat eggs without any problems.  That is great news for everyone.  But what about the other 1 /3 of us who cannot live like that and have to be careful.

As many as needed can be studied but unless everyone on this planet all tests the same way it does not help.  And lets face it not everybody does so it gets kind of confusing.  I cannot find the exact study but here is a good link.

But even though it is confusing its ok.  I feel confused all the time.  But one day at a time I tackle each issue accordingly.

Anyhow as for the actual cooking it can be hard also.  Too much eating out can be bad for you too as it is very rare to find healthy options on fast food menus all over the world.  Although some places are starting to accommodate healthy people.  But there is nothing like a home cooked meal.  You can choose exactly what goes into the meal and how healthy it is.

But cooking at home is also hard if you can't find anything worth cooking that taste good and is good for you.  Even if you don't care about taste as much as health it can still prove to be a very difficult challenge.